The body cannot produce polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3 essential for human health, so they must be had from the food. Essential fatty acids are of great importance to man's well-being from the foetus stage to the days old age. They affect growth, vascular system, nervous system and the development of glands as well as one's skin moisture and general condition.
According to researchers, adequate intake of essential fatty acids is also important for one's good mental ability and fresh frame of mind.
Omegas in the Right Proportion!
In the adult's diet, the ratio of fatty acids in the omega-6 series to the omega-3 series used to be in the range of 1:1–4:1 in the early days of man's evolution, while the present ratio in the western diet is as high as 25:1. This distortion of the fatty acid ratio is considered problematic in terms of health.
Cold-pressed rapeseed oil Virgino contains about 22 percent of fatty acid omega-6 and 12 percent of fatty acid omega-3 – in an ideal proportion for the body.
Omega-3 Forestalls Cardiovascular Diseases
In a study * where mainly alpha-linolenic acid was used to increase the intake of fatty acid omega-3 the number of myocardial infarctions and deaths surprisingly fell by 50-70 percent without the serum lipid values hardly differing from the previous readings. According to American researchers, the prevention of coronary heart disease should strive for the substitution of saturated and transfatty acids by unsaturated fatty acids, which should also include alpha-linolenic acid *², the basic fatty acid in the omega-3 series. The recommendation is consistent with the objective in Finland, a diet based on rapeseed oil as a source of fat. The content of fatty acids omega-3 is highest in fatty sea fish. It is also present in vegetables and rapeseed oil Virgino.
Correct Oil – Better Mood
According to present knowledge, the fatty acids omega-3 contained in rapeseed oil are vital to proper functioning of the cell membranes in the central nervous system since other fatty acids are unable to replace them in that task. Deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids has long been considered one of the causes of depression. In the light of studies, it appears that severely depressed persons have been found to have significantly lower contents of fatty acids omega-3 in comparison to slightly depressed and healthy individuals. In addition, it has been found that the more a depressed patient receives dietary fatty acids omega-3, the milder the severity of depression (Tanskanen et al. 2000). Sufficient intake of fatty acids omega-3 protects intellectual performance and keeps one's mind refreshed!
How Much should One get of Fatty Acids Omega-3?
The present recommendation is that the proportion of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids should be at least 3 percent of the total energy, of which at least one third should be fatty acids omega-3. At the same time, it must be remembered that these fatty acids are actually essential to literally all ages. The intake of essential fatty acids is particularly important for pregnant women and children. An adult who does light physical work receives an adequate daily dose from 1–2 tablespoonfuls of Virgino, for children 1–2 teaspoonfuls is enough.
• Kris-Etherton et al. 2001
*² Duodecim 2001, 117:803